Web 2.0 Pedagogy Supporting Marzano’s Classroom Instruction that Works
June 14th, 2009 by Wesley Fryer

Stephanie Sandifer is the author of “Wikified Schools” and has created the “Web2ThatWorks Wiki” to showcase best practices for using web 2.0 technologies in the classroom. The list of additional resources she includes on the wiki’s homepage is excellent.

Her “Master List of Web 2.0 Tools” not only includes links and descriptions, but also reveals whether the tool supports one or more of Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock’s identified strategies from their book “Classroom Instruction that Works” to improve student achievement. Stephanie has provided excellent suggestions for how web 2.0 tools (especially wikis) can be utilized to digitally implement these research-based classroom learning strategies.

I have not yet read “Wikified Schools” but plan to soon, it’s on my “definite read” list. Kudos to Stephanie for creating and maintaining a GREAT wiki resource for not only technological tools relevant for educators, but also research-supported PEDAGOGICAL strategies for using those tools effectively in the classroom to improve student learning outcomes.

Creative Commons License photo credit: dragonsinger

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